10 October 2019

Now live: The new DE-CIX customer portal

We are proud to announce that the new DE-CIX customer portal is now live! The new portal is fully functional and includes even more functions than the old customer portal. As a result, the old customer portal was shut down at the beginning of October.  

If you are visiting the portal for the first time, there is a lot to explore; e.g. complete your peering details, create and give co-workers access, or have a look at the operational contacts list to get a full contact list of your peers. If you have already started peering at DE-CIX, the GlobePEER service statistics and traffic relationship statistics are probably the most valuable tools for you. 

We are constantly working on improving the functionality of the portal. With the DE-CIX API, it is already possible to order, configure, and cancel interconnection services; this functionality will soon be made available in the portal. 

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for improvements, please use the feedback button in the portal and let us know your thoughts – we really appreciate your feedback.