connecting the now. innovating the next. Discover DE-CIX's journey and future vision as we celebrate our 30th anniversary.
New York

The largest IX in New York and the Northeast region 

OverviewConnected networksStatisticsTopologyEnabled sites
Open-IX-1 certified logo

DE-CIX New York is the 5th largest Internet Exchange in the US and the number one in the Northeast, as well as the largest neutral IX on the Eastern seaboard. DE-CIX New York is OIX-1 certified and carrier and data center-neutral. It operates more access points than any other Internet Exchange in North America. 

Together, the DE-CIX Internet Exchanges in New York, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Richmond, and Phoenix create the largest neutral interconnection ecosystem in North America

More South American networks peer at DE-CIX New York than at any other exchange in the region. And due to the interconnection with Seaborn - the Seabras-1 low latency cable and the first direct route between São Paulo and New York - and our reseller partners, the number of South American networks will continue to grow.  


Connect to the platform from over 100 access points.  

Get access to Comcast, the largest Cable TV and ISP in the US.   

Peer at additional DE-CIX locations just via an additional VLAN.  

A world-class, open Internet exchange is long overdue. With DE-CIX’s arrival, New York will have the vital infrastructure that not only makes the Internet work, but keeps it open and free. DE-CIX New York is a game changer.”
New York-Based Technology Journalist
Author of “Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet”

Connect via a connectivity partner in North America

You can access the DE-CIX platform in New York via connectivity partners. Connectivity partners offer you a very fast time to market as they already have an interconnection to DE-CIX. Once you’ve placed your order with them, they will provision your connection without any additional cross connect costs or third-party fees.

Find out here if you can connect to DE-CIX via a connectivity partner.

DE-CIX connectivity partners in New York

Connectivity partnerAvailable sitesContact
CoreSiteAvailable sites[email protected]
CROCKER [email protected]
PacketFabricAvailable sites[email protected]
TelxiusAvailable sites[email protected]
NOCIX [email protected]