connecting the now. innovating the next. Discover DE-CIX's journey and future vision as we celebrate our 30th anniversary.

The interconnection hub in Southeast Asia

OverviewConnected networksEnabled sitesStatistics

DE-CIX offers a distributed interconnection platform in Singapore for networks to exchange data. Besides the big interconnection hubs in Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam, and Paris, no other global market has more connected international Internet capacity than Singapore. In 2019, Singapore had an estimated 37 Tbps of international Internet capacity at a growth rate of nearly 60 percent compounded annually since 2015.

Get connected and peer in Singapore

With more than 20 subsea cables landing in Singapore, the city is the gravity center of interconnection in Southeast Asia. Major international network, content, and cloud providers have already begun to deploy infrastructure throughout Southeast Asia in response to the high demand for high-quality, low-latency interconnection. With our award-winning DE-CIX Apollon platform, we have created a neutral and distributed interconnection ecosystem throughout the region to meet this demand.