connecting the now. innovating the next. Discover DE-CIX's journey and future vision as we celebrate our 30th anniversary.

DE-CIX Apollon: Cutting edge interconnection

The DE-CIX Apollon platform was created to manage the continuous and enormous increase in customers and data traffic at DE-CIX's interconnection platforms. The private carrier-grade DE-CIX Apollon is the world’s largest and most advanced Ethernet-based platform.

The future era of 800 GE

DE-CIX Apollon is built on the best possible platform components, delivering high-availability interconnection services with full 100, 400, and 800 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) capabilities. DE-CIX Apollon utilizes state-of-the-art DWDM equipment and is built on a switching layer supported by service routers.

The setup of the platform is completely redundant and there is 24/7/365 fault monitoring in place.

The DE-CIX Apollon platform is in service at all DE-CIX Internet Exchanges, except at our partner locations in Berlin, Bucharest, Moscow, Prague, Sofia, St. Petersburg, and Warsaw and at our locations in India.

Interconnection platform Edge
DE-CIX edge
Interconnection platform Patchpanel 2
DE-CIX patchpanel
Interconnection Plattform Verkabelung
Interconnection platform Patchpanel 3

DE-CIX Apollon platform Frankfurt

In Frankfurt, DE-CIX Apollon platform was implemented in 2013. Today, the platform utilizes the Smartoptics DCP Series and Infinera CloudExpress 2 gear for the optical backbone, and Nokia’s 7950 XRS series and Nokia’s 7750 SR-s series for the IP network. The optical backbone has a total capacity of 128 Terabits per second across a mesh-network topology and provides transport speeds of up to 16 Terabits per second per fiber.

World-leading density of ports

The Nokia 7950 XRS and Nokia 7750 SR-s support a world-leading port density of up to 2304x100GE, 576x400GE or 288x800GE ports. In Frankfurt, one XRS-20e edge router and four SR-14s edge routers leveraging the power of Nokia’s in-house designed FP5 network processing chip are in service, delivering hundreds of ports, each with a full interconnection service feature set enabled.

The platform is built on four supernodes, each of which is a combination of a Smartoptics or an Infinera optical transmission system, a Nokia edge router and a Nokia core router to provide highly resilient leaf-spine architecture.

Three to one redundancy

DE-CIX Apollon platform delivers a three to one redundancy: All four cores are operational in the live network, with one core as redundant.


Apollon platform in Frankfurt
