GlobePEER Remote

Peer remotely at additional DE-CIX locations. Use your existing access in one of our Internet Exchanges to peer remotely at other interconnected locations. For example, you can peer remotely in New York with your access in Dusseldorf, or peer remotely in Palermo with your access in Madrid. 


Easy set up: Peer over a VLAN on your existing access.

Fully redundant service with predictable latency and jitter values.

No extra hardware costs, no hassle with importing equipment.

The DE-CIX platforms in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Dusseldorf, Leipzig, Marseille, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, Palermo, Istanbul, New York, Dallas, Chicago, Richmond, Phoenix, Oslo, Helsinki, Kristiansand, Copenhagen, Esbjerg, Mexico City, and Queretaro are interconnected. With access in one of the locations, you can peer remotely at every other one of these locations. 

In addition, you can peer:

  • in Berlin with access in Frankfurt and vice versa,
  • in Moscow and in St. Petersburg with access in Frankfurt,
  • in Dubai with access in Marseille and vice versa,
  • in Frankfurt with access in Athens,
  • in Ruhr region with access in Dusseldorf or Frankfurt and vice versa.

Setup is easy: You peer over a VLAN on your existing access, and we will take care of all interconnects needed and the access at the additional location. The service can be delivered within one day, and there are no additional cross connect costs.

You get a fully redundant service, predictable latency and jitter values, and have no extra hardware costs and no hassle with importing IT equipment. One contact, one bill. 

GlobePEER Remote interconnected Internet Exchanges Jan 2022
Interconnected DE-CIX Internet Exchanges
GlobePEER Remote graphic
Peer remotely at additional DE-CIX locations over a VLAN on your existing access