connecting the now. innovating the next. Discover DE-CIX's journey and future vision as we celebrate our 30th anniversary.

The region's growing digital hub for Internet Exchange services

OverviewConnected networksEnabled sitesStatisticsIn Turkish

DE-CIX Istanbul is a neutral interconnection and peering point for Internet Service Providers from Turkey, Iran, the Caucasus region, and the Middle East. The exchange gives access to a variety of networks via various data centers across Turkey including Istanbul, Ankara, Bursa, and İzmir.

We have been working with DE-CIX for the past ten years. Being connected lowers our costs, gives us better control, and improves our network performance.”


Instant access to Turkish and global networks.

Secure access to 50+ global and regional cloud providers such as AWS and Microsoft Azure.

Reach hundreds of networks at additional DE-CIX locations with a VLAN from Istanbul.

The DirectCLOUD service has enabled us to enlarge our portfolio with solutions for enterprise customers, and offering the service brings in new revenue streams and significant growth potential.”
Head of Wholesale & International Sales
Vodafone Turkey