8 August 2023

82% of Germans stay connected while on holiday

holiday surfing survey

Our recent survey revealed that the digital age has firmly taken root in vacation habits, with 82% of Germans maintaining their online presence even during holidays. The study, with 2,009 participants aged 18 and above across Germany, also revealed some generational preferences.

Email vs. streaming

While 39% of boomers continue to embrace email while vacationing, the gen z indulges in data-intensive activities with 23% opting for streaming services like Netflix and only 11% admitting checking their emails.

Tech-free getaways are rare with only 10% of respondents declaring a complete absence of Internet usage during their vacations. The the gen z – spanning the ages from 18 to 28 – had a staggering 96% online engagement rate, rendering the concept of unplugging practically obsolete.

A reliable WiFi is a minimum standard

A set of applications emerged as vacation staples, with 45% relying on messengers like WhatsApp to stay connected. Another favorite was navigation apps (38%), while around third checks weather apps.

Notably, 63% of the participants expect free Wi-Fi in their accommodation and in general, a stable Internet connection is important for half of them.