24 June 2020

DE-CIX Annual Report 2019: A year of strong customer growth and peak moments

For DE-CIX, 2019 was a year of strong customer growth globally and we reached many peak moments. Our global customer numbers grew more than 20 percent to over 1,900 customers. The connected customer capacity reached over 55 Terabits, and the total number of 100 GE ports across DE-CIX locations stood at more than 380, a rise of 27 percent.

Frankfurt breaks world record – twice

Frankfurt continued record series breaking its own world record not once, but twice:  In September, the sound barrier of 7 Tbit/s in data throughput at peak times was broken, followed by a further record of 8.1 Tbit/s in mid-December.

The German regional exchanges complimented the success in Frankfurt.  The locations in Hamburg, Dusseldorf, and Munich recorded an aggregated customer growth of over 50 percent and close to 80 percent growth in connected customer bandwidth. The total number of customers connected to DE-CIX locations in Germany in 2019 rose by almost 13 percent to well over 1,000.

Global growth picks up speed

The strong global figures show that we are doing well not only in Frankfurt, but also in locations such as New York, Madrid, and Mumbai. DE-CIX has become a truly global interconnection provider. In 2019 we extended our global reach by opening three new locations in India (Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata) and announcing DE-CIX Malaysia which will initially operate two locations, DE-CIX Kuala Lumpur and DE-CIX Johor Bahru

Get all the details in our Annual Report 2019 and read our predictions of what the future has to offer.