The peering community meets at several events throughout the year, but very often, people don’t know more than the job title and perhaps a little bit about what people do at DE-CIX. With this DE-CIX behind the scenes series, we would like to give you a little bit more information about the DE-CIX team, their daily work, and what drives them – at work, but also personally.
This month’s edition gives some behind the scenes information about Fatma Soydan, Network Operations Engineer.
Fatma joined DE-CIX as a Network Operations Engineer in July 2019. She is responsible for troubleshooting any issues and continually improving the DE-CIX network for our customers. She moved from Turkey to Germany to join DE-CIX so she could be part of the IX’s international growth and work in a friendly environment that is open to new ideas.
Fatma, what are your main daily tasks?
First thing in the morning, I check my monitoring screen to see if there are any issues with the network. After doing any troubleshooting required, we work on how to improve our sites. What can we do to make things better for our customers? I love working on the technical issues, particularly trouble-shooting and keeping up with the latest technology.
What did you do before starting at DE-CIX?
Before starting at DE-CIX last year, I worked first for Nokia for three years as an IP/NLS Senior Technical Engineer and over two years at Turkcell as a project manager.
What brought you to DE-CIX?
I moved from Turkey to Germany to start at DE-CIX last July. I had already known a few people at DE-CIX from my time at Nokia when DE-CIX was our customer. While I worked on the vendor side, an ISP, I wanted to change to an IXP. I wanted to be part of DE-CIX’s growth. After getting to know Frankfurt when I came here for the interview, I decided I like the city and the company. People at DE-CIX are really friendly and open to new ideas. I guess that is why DE-CIX is getting bigger year by year. In the last few years, DE-CIX has gone international, expanded beyond Germany. It’s in Istanbul and India, in Dubai, in the USA and ASEAN. It’s known far beyond Europe.