Last week, over three days, the changeover from the old /24 network to the new /23 network was implemented at DE-CIX Madrid. All services with old IPv4 addresses – including the old IPv4 route servers – have now been moved to the new address space.
The /24 network only contained 254 IPv4 addresses and, due to the ongoing growth and now over 200 connected networks, the change became necessary. The new /23 network contains 510 IPv4 addresses for customer routers. The network change only affected IPv4 addresses; IPv6 addresses have not changed.
Thank you to our customers
With the help of our customers, the migration took place smoothly – and we would like to thank our customers for their cooperation! The majority of the DE-CIX Madrid customers have successfully changed their router’s IPv4 address – and all IPv4 BGP peering sessions.
If you are a DE-CIX Madrid customer and you have not yet changed the IPv4 addresses, please do so! Your BGP sessions will be down until you have changed them. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.