DE-CIX Madrid reaches 1Tbps
On Tuesday night, DE-CIX Madrid recorded a new traffic peak of 1 Terabit per second (Tbps). This milestone coincided with the first day of the Champions League, with the matches Real Madrid vs. Celtic and Sevilla vs. Manchester City.
140 percent increase in data throughput
There has been a clear upward trend in data traffic in Southern Europe, which has seen several record peaks since the start of 2020. The data throughput at DE-CIX Madrid has increased almost by 140 percent since beginning of 2020 and compared to this time last year, the peak traffic has risen by close to 70 percent.
DE-CIX Madrid is the fourth DE-CIX Internet Exchange to cross 1Tpbs of peak traffic, following Frankfurt, New York, and Mumbai. To put it in real life context, 1Tbps corresponds to the simultaneous transmission of approximately 220,000 videos in HD quality.
In other peak news
The same night as Madrid hit 1Tbps, we also had a new peak at another Southern European Internet Exchange, as DE-CIX Marseille reached 217.24 Gigabit per second (Gbps). The exchange connects over 100 networks and crossed the 200Gbps line first time in August.
And it was also a big night in Frankfurt, where we crossed the 13Tbps line for the first time. The new record in Frankfurt now stands at 13.12Tbps. It was only at the beginning of August that we reached 12Tbps – so the question is, how long will the new record last?