13 July 2021

DE-CIX Mumbai – connecting more than 350 networks


DE-CIX Mumbai is now the largest Internet Exchange in Asia-Pacific (APAC) according to PeeringDB’s ranking of 153 exchanges in 29 countries. The ranking is based on the number of connected networks at the exchange – there are currently 359 networks peering at Mumbai, making it number one in the entire APAC region.

Increased demand for bandwidth

The demand for interconnection and bandwidth in India has grown significantly and the country has experienced huge changes in data traffic. 

For example, between February and December 2020, OTT & Video on Demand grew a whopping 1,317 percent, while gaming grew at 1,007 percent. Similarly, ISP traffic grew at 397 percent, whereas traffic from content delivery networks rose 328 percent. For DE-CIX Mumbai, this meant that the total customer bandwidth grew 75 percent, due to both new customers and upgrades from existing customers. The exchange has also recorded a new peak traffic of 1.5 Tbps.

New PoPs and cloud connectivity

DE-CIX India has also expanded its network to 15 points of presence (PoPs), interconnecting cloud service providers, Internet service providers, and end-user networks. Our DirectCLOUD service is now also available in Mumbai, enabling customers to connect to cloud service providers such as Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, and Amazon Web Services.