5 July 2021

DE-CIX virtual Techmeeting 2021

Techmeeting 2021

Thank you for joining us last week for the DE-CIX Techmeeting 2021, held virtually for the second time. 

We covered a lot of interconnection and peering topics in three hours; from products and solutions to how to do flow monitoring and keep track of your BGP. 

Watch the recordings

If you would like to have another look, or if you missed any of the sessions, the recordings are available on the event platform Talque – both through the browser and via an app. Just log in with the same credentials you used to join the live Techmeeting. 

If you were not able to join us, the videos are also available on our YouTube channel. Watch the welcome speech from Harald A. Summa, CEO DE-CIX, below. 

Techmeeting 2021 recording cover