28 January 2019

Handball World Cup creates new traffic record at DE-CIX Hamburg

During the finals of the Handball World Cup last weekend, DE-CIX Hamburg reached a new traffic record with a peak of 57+ G on Saturday night. Traffic peaks were also seen on Sunday during the game for the bronze medal, where Germany lost to France, and during the finals when Denmark claimed the world cup title by defeating Norway. 

“We have seen similar so-called spikes at other sports events over the years – such as the Handball World Cup in 2017. This time, we first suspected a DDOS attack, but after investigations, we figured that the boost in local traffic was in direct connection with the final round of the Handball World Cup, which caused an extremely high public interest. Also, through these spikes, we see that traffic is moving away from more central Internet Exchanges, and getting closer to the edge,” says Harald A. Summa, DE-CIX’s CEO.

“In general, our traffic is characterized by wave movements and reflects the rhythm of Internet use, starting at 6 a.m. in the morning and reaching its peak at around 9 pm. We can also register seasonal changes – in the summer users are online less than in the autumn/winter months,” adds Dr. Thomas King, DE-CIX’s CTO.