25 July 2023

Harald A. Summa elected to RIPE executive board

DE-CIX's supervisory board member Harald A. Summa has been elected to the RIPE NCC's executive board. The executive board is elected by the members of RIPE NCC and consists of seven people.

The RIPE NCC Executive Board is responsible for maintaining oversight of the RIPE NCC, a not-for-profit membership association that consists of over 20,000 organisations. The RIPE NCC is an organization responsible for distributing and registering Internet number resources and for acting as the network coordination centre for the RIPE community in Europe, the Middle East, and parts of Central Asia.

Harald is the founder of eco - Association of the German Internet Industry and was the CEO of DE-CIX from 1996 until 2022 after which he was appointed to the supervisory board of the DE-CIX Group.

Congratulations Harald!