9 May 2024

New case study: How net-maxX is transforming virtual worlds


net-maxX, a collaboration between industry leaders netzreich GmbH and TelemaxX Telekommunikation GmbH, is pioneering the integration of digital content creation and secure cloud solutions. Their initiative sets new standards in digital interactivity, emphasizing data sovereignty and performance optimization.

The "German Metaverse" sets a benchmark for digital ecosystems, blending immersive 3D environments with real-world experiences. This commitment extends to data protection, with all data securely housed within TelemaxX’s data centers, ensuring a safe and reliable platform for users and businesses alike.

Direct access to AWS

Leveraging the Amazon Cloud for live stream encoding, net-maxX relies on the DE-CIX DirectCLOUD service for success. With direct connection, latency variations are minimal compared to standard Internet connections, ensuring stable 1:n video transmission. Moreover, DE-CIX DirectCLOUD guarantees data stays within Germany on its way to AWS, maintaining compliance and security.