New reseller partner EWE TEL GmbH
We have a new reseller partner joining the DE-CIX R3 partner program:
EWE, based in Oldenburg, is a leading German energy company that over the year has developed into a multi-service provider. One of their core business areas is telecommunications, operated by the subsidiary EWE TEL GmbH.
EWE TEL operates its own telecommunications network and data centers and offers a wide range of services for both private and business customers, including Internet and data services as well as IT security solutions. Their data center in Oldenburg is also directly connected with DE-CIX Hamburg, offering customers easy access to the DE-CIX ecosystem.
DE-CIX’s reseller partners offer access to the DE-CIX platform and maintain the direct customer relationships. By joining our partner network, resellers can utilize our platform to provide their customers with top-tier interconnection solutions.
Learn more about the partner at