22 November 2024

New traffic record at DE-CIX Frankfurt: 18.11 Tbps

On the evening of November 20th, DE-CIX Frankfurt set a new milestone, reaching a peak traffic throughput of 18.11 Terabits per second (Tbps), the highest ever recorded at Europe’s largest Internet Exchange.

This new record reflects a steady rise in data traffic at the exchange, which has grown by almost 10 % in the past 12 months. Over the last five years, the data throughput has more than doubled, increasing by 118 %. DE-CIX Frankfurt continues to play a crucial role in the global digital ecosystem, connecting thousands of networks, content providers, and businesses across the world.

How much is 18.11 Tbps?

A Terabit per second (Tbps) is a unit of data transmission speed. To put it into perspective, 18.11 Tbps is equivalent to 10 million TikTok videos streamed simultaneously. Alternatively, if each bit were a milliliter of water, 18 Terabits would fill 90 million bathtubs per second.

This surge in traffic is fueled by the growing demand for high-bandwidth digital services like gaming and streaming, and underscores the importance of Internet Exchanges in supporting a rapidly expanding global digital infrastructure.

traffic stats Frankfurt