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24 October 2024

Traffic peak report: New records across the globe

The past couple of months we have seen growing traffic volumes across our Internet Exchanges, with record-breaking peaks in several key markets. Here are the highlights:

The terabit players

After the peak crossing over the 17 Terabits per second (Tbps) in April, our flagship exchange in Frankfurt reached a peak of 17.77 Tbps, highlighting its position as one of the world’s most important hubs for data exchange. Let’s see if we hit 18Tbps before the end of 2024!

The DE-CIX New York exchange saw an impressive new peak of 1.68 Tbps. New York is a major North American interconnection point and DE-CIX New York – which celebrated its 10th anniversary in June – continues to be a critical player in handling the region's data traffic, supporting both local and international traffic demands.

Over in Texas, DE-CIX Dallas achieved a new high of 1.19 Tbps after crossing the 1 terabit line earlier this year.

Closing in on the terabit milestone

The UAE-IX in Dubai is now within reach of joining the Terabit club, reaching a peak of 843.38 Gbps in October. The ecosystem around the UAE-IX which has developed in Dubai and the UAE over the past 10 years is a unique example of how a global Internet hub can be established, and how it can begin a cycle of success that will benefit the surrounding countries, economies, and users. 

Best of the rest

Marseille: 436.64 Gbps

In Marseille, the gateway for data exchange between Europe, Africa, and Asia, our exchange achieved a new traffic peak of 436.64 Gbps. This growth underscores Marseille’s strategic importance as a transit hub connecting continents. The exchange now connects over 120 networks.

Istanbul: 376.96 Gbps

In Istanbul, our exchange reached a high of 376.96 Gbps. Positioned at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, DE-CIX Istanbul is pivotal for the exchange of data traffic in this strategically important region.

Munich: 274.04 Gbps

DE-CIX Munich, with over 220 connected networks, supports Germany’s connectivity needs outside of Frankfurt, now our second biggest exchange in Germany. The IX hit a new traffic peak of 274.04 Gbps.

Southeast Asia: 224.77 Gbps

The distributed interconnection ecosystem of DE-CIX Asia interconnects multiple Internet Exchanges in Southeast Asia. With access in one of the locations, you can peer with networks at all the other DE-CIX Internet Exchanges in the region. Already connecting over 100 networks, we hit a traffic peak of 224.77Gbps.

Chicago: 218.91 Gbps

Finally, DE-CIX Chicago reached a new traffic high of 218.91Gbps, crossing the 200Gbps line for the first time and more than doubling its traffic since the summer. There are over 50 networks connected in Chicago.

Resilient data exchange across the globe

These record-breaking peaks across DE-CIX exchanges reflect the global surge in data demand and underscore our commitment to providing scalable, resilient interconnection infrastructure worldwide.