connecting the now. innovating the next. Discover DE-CIX's journey and future vision as we celebrate our 30th anniversary.
DE-CIX North America

Join the largest neutral interconnection ecosystem in North America

DE-CIX's first Internet Exchange in North America was opened in 2014 in New York. In 2016, the second interconnection platform in Dallas opened its gates, followed by Chicago 2020 and Richmond in 2021 and Phoenix in 2022. Together, they form the largest carrier and data center neutral interconnection ecosystem in North America.

We serve more markets than any other Internet Exchange in the US

With its interconnection platforms, DE-CIX brought the European Internet Exchange model to North America. The main difference to existing IXs in the US is that DE-CIX's platforms are distributed over several data centers and offer more access points than other Internet Exchanges. More access points means more opportunities for networks and companies to join, multiplying your interconnection opportunities.

Connect via connectivity partners

In North America you can also access the DE-CIX platform via our connectivity partners. Connectivity partners offer you a very fast time to market as they already have an interconnection to DE-CIX. Once you’ve placed your order with them, they will provision your connection without any additional cross connect costs or third-party fees.

Find out here if you can connect to DE-CIX via a connectivity partner.

DE-CIX connectivity partners in North America

CoreSiteAvailable sites[email protected]New York
CROCKER [email protected]New York
Fiberhub [email protected]Phoenix
Gigabit CommunicationsAvailable sites[email protected], [email protected]Dallas
LOGIX Fiber NetworksAvailable sites[email protected]Dallas
PacketFabricAvailable sites[email protected]Chicago, New York, Phoenix, Richmond
TelxiusAvailable sites[email protected]Dallas, New York
Wholesales Internet [email protected]Dallas, New York

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The DE-CIX North America newsletter will inform you about the latest developments, upcoming events, services and everything else going on at our DE-CIX locations in North America.