Portugal has been highlighted as a destination of opportunity for business investment, education, lifestyle, and leisure. Reported growth rates in these segments together with a favorable fiscal investment and regulatory environment all seem to support this. With European countries racing to advance their digital footprint, a closer look into Portugal’s digital infrastructure development reveals a country positioned to become a new global interconnection hub for Internet data flows.
Portugal: A global interconnection hub
A gateway to Europe, a gateway to the world

The study "Portugal: A Global Interconnection Hub, a Gateway to Europe, a Gateway to the World" identifies key elements common to prominent and thriving interconnection hubs, providing a benchmark for evaluating Portugal's role in current and future international and intercontinental Internet data flows.
Download the study to learn about Portugal's developments in this area from 2016 to early 2024. It highlights the progress the Atlantic nation is making towards achieving parity with other globally recognized hubs and its challenges.
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